Iran refuses to freeze production 

Iran has wavered the international oil market again after it announced it has no plans to freeze its oil production before the next Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meeting in Vienna on 2 June.

After sanctions on Iran’s oil production were lifted in January 2016, the country has been determined to raise its crude exports to pre-sanctions levels in order to regain.

해외건설협회 자료입니다.

국제유가 전망과 해외 건설 프로젝트의 추이를 알 수 있는 통계자료가 풍부합니다.

특히 유가 수급전망을 통해 2019년까지 40 ~ 60달러 수준..

건설 프로젝트의 감소 및 유럽 및 중국 업체의 약진이 눈에 띄네요..

1. 국제유가 추이 및 급락사례

2. 유가 급락의 패턴

3. 장래 유가 전망 

4. 프로젝트 동향 및 계획


Total studies Iran cracker

TOTAL has agreed to investigate building a world-class steam cracker in Iran

with the country’s state petrochemical company.

In a statement emailed to The Chemical Engineer, Total confirmed the partners are considering building 

the facility on the Iranian coast, with ethane as the primary feedstock.

Foreign investors are returning to Iran following the lifting last year of

economic sanctions that hampered industrial development.

from IchemE

US$2.9bn LNG contract for Hyundai consortium

Three companies to build new facilities in Kuwait..

A CONSORTIUM led by South Korea’s Hyundai Engineering and Construction has won the US$2.93bn contract to build LNG facilities in Al-Zour, Kuwait.$2-9bn-lng-contract-for-hyundai-consortium

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