(Global HR Forum 2014)-Futurist Thomas Frey Predicts Over 2 bil. jobs will disappear by 2030

      The theme of Global HR Forum 2014 is ‘Human Resources for Trust and Integration. What would you suggest the ways to restore collapsed social cohesion and confidence and foster talents leading those actions? 

As a futurist, I spend far less time focused on today’s problems and far more looking at the issues we’ll be facing in the years ahead, and there will indeed be many in the years ahead.


The biggest issue will be “technological unemployment” and the loss of over 2 billion jobs by 2030. This is not a doom and gloom prediction, but rather a wakeup call for the world.


Will we run out of work for the world? Of course not! Nothing is more preposterous than to somehow proclaim the human race no longer has any work left to do. But having paid jobs to coincide with the work that needs to be done, and developing the skills necessary for future work is another matter.


Our goal needs to be focused on the catalytic innovations that create entirely new industries, and these new industries will serve as the engines of future job creation, unlike anything before in history.

Israel's Yozma Group to Invest $1 Bil. in Korean Tech Start-ups.

Yozma Group, a prominent Israeli venture capital, said on September 1 that it would establish a corporation in October and invest in excess of 1 trillion won for the next three years start-ups in Korea and beyond


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(4발 경제학) 9 1 : 장타주를 보는 관점, 9월 증시를 보는 관점, 양적완화 독일과 프랑스 갈등


1. 한국경제 : 9월 증시를 보는 관점




Opinion : 환율과 중국경제.


2. 한국경제 : 부실채권 (NPL) 물량 감소..




Opinion : 일단 채권을 얼마에 사는냐가 중요한데..


3 한국경제 : 환율 지지력은?




Opinion : 1,000원대는 지켜라


4. 블럼버그 : 유럽중앙은행 정책을 둘러싼 독일과 프랑스의 갈등..




Opinion : 양적완화 찬성과 반대..


5 가치투자 : 장타주를 보는 관점




Opinion : 기업규모, PBR, 순 현금구조의 변화


6 부자아빠 : 간단한 부채의 의미.


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