Economic Bulletin  June 2014 from South Korea.

The Green Book: Current Economic Trends from Ministry of strategy and finance.



The Korean economy suffered from a fall in retail sales and service output in April. However, employment and inflation remained stable, and manufacturing production, facility investment and construction improved.


The economy added less jobs in April, adding 581,000 jobs year-on-year compared to 649,000 jobs in March. Inflation in May remained stable in the 1 percent range, increasing 1.7 percent year-on-year, up from 1.5 percent in the previous month.


Mining and manufacturing production continued to increase for the second consecutive month in April (up 0.1%), despite the sales ban on mobile carriers, helped by strong mobile phone exports and automobile production.


Service output, which increased 0.5 percent in March, fell 0.1 percent in April as the Sewol ferry disaster had a negative effect on wholesale & retail, entertainment, cultural & sports services, and hotels & restaurants. Retail sales, which increased 1.8 percent in the previous month, fell 1.7 percent due to weak durable and semi-durable goods sales in the wake of the Sewol ferry disaster. 

Facility investment, which increased 1.2 percent in March, continued to improve in April, rising 2.6 percent, as investment in both transportation equipment and machinery increased. Construction completed also increased 6.9 percent month-onmonth after declining 3.8 percent in March.


The composite index of coincident indicators fell 0.3 points month-on-month in April due to a fall in retail sales and service output, but the composite index of leading indicators rose 0.1 points. Exports in May fell 0.9 percent year-on-year due in part to 1.5 fewer days worked, but average daily exports increased and a trade surplus continued at US$5.35 billion. The stock market had plummeted in the beginning of May, but rebounded and remained stable as foreign investors bought more Korean shares than they sold. The value of the won rose.


In May, housing prices across the country rose at a slower pace from 0.1 percent to 0.0 percent month-on- month, and the fall in prices in the Seoul metropolitan area accelerated from 0.02 percent to 0.1 percent. Jeonse (lump-sum deposits with no monthly payments) prices continued to increase at the same pace as the previous month, rising 0.1 percent owing to the ending of the spring moving


The economy continues to recover, but the recovery in the private sector has yet to fully take hold, and consumption and service industry indicators appear to be slowing down in the wake of the April Sewol ferry disaster.

The Korean government will continue to closely monitor internal and external economic trends as external risks remain, including US quantitativeeasing tapering, uncertainties in emerging economies, and the weakening of the yen, and at the same time will work to help the economic recovery take hold and protect domestic markets from external shocks.

(4 경제학) 7 17 : 과거의 추이를 볼 때 현재의 주식과 채권의 가치는 버블은 아니다옐렌 왈..


1. 한국경제 : 하반기 경기 부양책은?


Opinion : 국회동의가 필요하지 않는 자금들이라?


2. 한국경제 : 현재 한국 경제의 함정


Opinion : 저성장, 축소 균형, 성과부재


3. 한국경제 : 원화 강세 주춤.


Opinion :  미국 증시의 강세가 그 원인이 아닐까?


4. 한국경제 : 하이브리드 채권에 대해..


Opinion : RCPS가 구미에 당기는데..

5. 한국경제 : SNS 서비스 Line 의 상장.


Opinion : 네이버 주가에 어떤 영향을..


6. 블럼버그 :  빚에 중독되기 시작하는 중국.


Opinion : Credit to GDP ratio를 줄여야 한다.


7블럼버그 : 과거의 추이를 볼 때 현재의 주식과 채권의 가치는 버블은 아니다.

옐렌 왈..


(4 경제학) 7 16 :  3가지 색깔의 금융업종..


1. 한국경제 :  3가지 색깔의 금융업종..


Opinion : 상승 증권업종, 바닥 탈출 은행업종, 지지부진 보험업종


2. 한국경제 : 중국.전기차


Opinion :  


3. 한국경제 : 사내 유보금 5년사이에 2..


Opinion : 불확실한 경제 상황이 지속됨에 따라..

4. 블럼버그 :  옐렌..약해진 고용시장을 보면 아직 양적완화가 필요해..


Opinion : 하지만 금리인상은 이제 초 읽기가 아닐까?


5. 블럼버그 :  중국 여전히 지하경제와 전쟁중..


Opinion : 유동화 채권의 판매량이 늘긴 했다마는..


6블럼버그 :  옐렌 몇몇 자산 시장에서 버블이 발견..


Opinion :  차입금 비중 높고 신용등급이 낮은 회사부채와 관련하여 대출 기준의 강화.

           가 필요하며 주식,부동산 회사채 시장의 가치는 평균적이라고 합니다.


 7.부자아빠 주식학교 : 지적능력보다는 심리조절 능력이 필요.


(4 경제학) 7 14 :  증시의 3..거래량.유동성.개인거래


1. 한국경제 :  기업들 풀어라..


Opinion : 기업 유보금에 과세라??


2. 한국경제 :  환율 상승 탄력세 약화


Opinion :  포르투갈 사태로 인한 일시적 효과가 사라지나?


3. 한국경제 :  증시의 3..거래량.유동성.개인거래


Opinion :  선진화인가..주식투자 지금이 기회인가?

4. 한국경제 :  국제 곡물시세 하락.. 수혜주는?


Opinion :  원화가치 상승도 ..


5. 블럼버그 :  유럽중앙은행의 새로운 경기부양책.. 장기대출프로그램(TLTRO)



Opinion :  7천억 유로이상 가능하다는데..


6블럼버그 :  세르비아.긴축재정 완화를 위해 IMF 3 대출계약 확보하기를 원해



Opinion :  현재IMF 구제금융을 받는 나라는 ?


 7.부자아빠 주식학교 :  무상감자..자본잠식




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