The concept of Technology


- Converting coal to syngas (Mixture of hydrogen and CO) by gasification at above 1,000 C

- Removing impurities such as sulfur compounds and dusts in syngas

- Producting liquid fuel from cleaned syngas by the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction




Key Technologies


  Gasification process (entrained bed gasifier, CWM manufacturing technique, Burner design)

 - Syngas cleaning process (attrition resistant desulfurizing agent, dry-type desulfurization

  Reactor design and wet desulfurization process)

 - Liquefaction process (highly efficient liquefaction catalyst development, SBCR reactor design, catalyst/product separation technique)

 - Scale-up technology




 - To construct a domestic commercial-scale coal liquefaction process (5,000 barrel/day)

  by step-by-step scale-up

 - To develop a coal liquefaction process utilizing low grade coals such as lignite or anthracite.


(4 경제학) 12 5 : 금융계 구조조정 바람..


1. 한국경제 : ·신한카드 희망퇴직…금융 구조조정 가속


Opinion :   때가 되지 않았나.


2. 한국경제 : 금융시장 외국계 지각변동…서양 위축, 동양 팽창


Opinion : 현지화 실패..


3. 블럼버그 : New-Home Sales in U.S. Rebound From One-Year Low


Opinion : 미국 주택경기 바닥에서 올라올랑가? 미국 주택관련 ETF 주목해보자.


4. 블럼버그 : Yen Gains Second Day as Riskier Assets Fall on Fed Tapering View pound-holds-gain.html


 Opinion : 달러와 대비 엔화의 강세 그리고 양적 완화에 대한 우려로 안전자산 선호


5. 부자아빠주식학교

 [ 트분석]신규 상장주 현대 로템


한국주식가치평가원 11월 주식시장 평가


GDP 대비 103.05%, 시장위험프리미엄 : 3.22%, PBR : 1.13

Method for Desalination of saltwater


Utilizing Ice crystallization method that does not need any pre-treatment equipment and excessive use of energy, provide a method for desalination of saltwater.   





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