- Process development for methanol Synthesis from CO2


  Korea institute of Science and Technology developed this technology on pilot plant scale.



  1. CAMERE Process..








2. Reaction


-. Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction

CO2 + 3H2 -> a CO + 1-a CO2 + 3-a H2 + a H2O


-. Elimination of Water

a H2O


-. Methanol Sysnthesis

aCO + 1-a CO2 + 3-a H2 -> CH3OH + H2O


3. Characteristic


    - Using the catalyst having the copper oxide, the zinc oxidate, and the zirconium oxide and gallium oxide.


- As the carbon monoxide into methanol reactor eliminates the water on catalyst,

  Stablilty of catalyst and the yield of methanol increase.


4. Economic evaluation


    - 300,000 ton / year.

      Equipment cost : $ 16,100,000 ~ $ 19,300,000

      Utility cost ($/yr) : $ 4,134,000 ~ $ 12,250,000

     $300/ton, and the hydrogen price is important factor in economic.






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