다섯개의 오디오 스피커 그러나 하나의 오디오 램프.

언제 어디서나 음악을 즐기는 진정한 DJ 가 되볼까나 ??


Expand your sound with the five-in-one speaker that really stacks up.


Music is made to be shared, even when you’re listening to ‘Lonely Boy’ by the Black Keys. The AIR is five speakers in one device, so you can go solo and listen to your fave garage band in the garage. Or entertain the whole band with house music, no matter how far you are from home. What’s more, we made the controls super easy. Got Bluetooth? Then you can become the DJ and own any room.




Air Audio - The Worlds First Pull Apart Speaker – Air Audio Co

Unbelievable from every angle. Expand your sound with the five-in-one speaker that really stacks up.




AP뉴스 청취 강의로 기초부터 실전까지 리스닝 정복하기!

[지금 수강 시 수강료 50% 지원] 강의 내용 100% 반영된 뉴스 스크립트+실제 음원으로 공부! 뉴스 듣기부터 체계적인 학습으로 말하기까지 동시에 연습!









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