1. Korea's Top-30 Business Groups' 1H Sales Fall 7.9%

Korea's top-30 business groups saw their sales revenue and net profit fall by a large margin in the first half of this year,


2. Hyundai and Kia’s Market Share in the EU Hits 12-month High

Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors saw their combined EU market share hit a 12-month high in August 2015


(4발 경제학) 916: 한국 자동차 산업과 엔화..

1. 한국경제 :  한국의 신용등급 상향 조정..


Opinion : 이런 불확실한 상황에..이럴때 국채는 어때?

2. 한국경제 : 삼성페이 관련주..


Opinion :  전자인증이나 지불관련 업체가 뜨긴 했었는데?

3. 증권사 리포트 : 한국 금리 인하 기대,


Opinion : 연준 바라보기.

4. 증권사 리포트 : 한국 자동차 산업과 엔화..


Opinion : 엔화약세와 한국 자동차 산업와 상관관계 

엔고를 바라며...

자료출처 : http://www.hanwhawm.com/main/research/main/view.cmd?depth3_id=anls5_NL&mode=NL&seq=44522&p=&depth3_nm=Hanwha%20Daily(%EB%B9%84%EB%A1%9C%EA%B7%B8%EC%9D%B8,%EC%9D%B4%EB%A9%94%EC%9D%BC%EC%9A%A9)&templet=marketing


1. Germany's BASF in Talks to Acquire UP Chemical

BASF, the world's largest chemical producer, is currently in talks to acquire UP Chemical, Korean chemical company specializing in semiconductor applications..


2. Foreigners Net-Sold Korean Stocks Worth 3.9 Tril. Won in August

Foreign investors net-sold Korean stocks worth 3.9 trillion won in August. This is the largest amount first time in 26 months since June 2013.


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