Internet-only Banks Likely to Be Established from Next Year..


From next year Internet-only banks will be allowed to do business. 



Korea's Per-capita GNI Estimated at $28,000 This Year..


Korea's gross national income per person is estimated to reach US$28,000 this year. This is 7 percent higher than last year's,







(4발 경제학) 12 24 : ..위험자산과 안전자산 둘 다.. 2015년 투자의 빙하기. 미국 소비자 지출 증가..

1 한국경제 : ..위험자산과 안전자산 둘 다.. 2015년 투자의 빙하기..

Opinion : 4(금리, 물가, 성장, 투자)..

2. 한국경제 : 코넥스 시장 육성.

Opinion : 장외시장도 활성화되지 않을까?

3. 한국경제 : 12 26일까지..

Opinion : 배당을 노리자..

4. 블럼버그 : 미국 소비자 지출 증가..

Opinion : 미국경제 성장의 신호탄이 되길..

5. 가치투자 :

 증권사 daily.

 원유가 하락과 석유화학 제품간 관계는?



Seoul City to Pay 1 Mil. Won to Those Reporting Illegal Uber Taxi Operators.

The Seoul metropolitan city government will grant up to 1 million won to those who report cases of unlicensed drivers carrying paying customers.

Seoul City Sets "Living Wage" Level at 6,738 Won an Hour.

The "living wage" level for workers in Seoul has been set at 6,738 won (US$6.13) an hour as the Seoul metropolitan city government is set to introduce the living wage scheme from next year.






읽어볼 만하죠.. 배당과 저평가 종목 발굴..

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