(4발 경제학) 9 17 : 중국 800억 달러 규모의 자금.. 5개 시중은행에 공급..


1. 한국경제 : 환율 전쟁..전세계로 퍼지나..




Opinion : 추가 금리 인하에 대한 고민들..


2. 한국경제 : 끝 모르고 오르는 아모레..




Opinion : 200만원대 황금주들의 움직임..


3. 블럼버그 : 중국 800억 달러 규모의 자금.. 5개 시중은행에 공급..




Opinion : 유동성 확대를 위한 중국의 움직임.


4. 블럼버그 : 호주 시드니 주택시장 과열..




Opinion : 호주 Reserve Bank of Australia  기준금리의 영향이 .

Overseas Sales Takes up for 84.8% in Hyundai and Kia’s Total Sales..

The share of overseas sales in Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors' overall sales stood at 84.8 percent, the third highest among major carmakers worldwide.

"Central Bank to Keep Tabs on Exchange Movements"...BOK Governor..

Bank of Korea governor Lee Ju-yeol said on September 16 that his bank would keep its eye on exchange rate fluctuations due to monetary policy change and interest rate spread between Korea and elsewhere.

E-Cigarette Sales Rise Rapidly on Announcement of Cigarett Price Hike..

After the government announces that it would raise the price of cigarettes by 80 percent from January next year, the sales of alternative tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes are rising quickly

August Net Job Growth Number Approaches 600,000

The jobs number for the month of August increased almost 600,000, continuing the rally for two consecutive months.


Samsung Electronics Takes Steps to Foster Local Parts Industry in Vietnam..

Samsung Electronics joined hands with the Vietnamese government to foster the local parts industry

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